Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wal-Mart Pulls Batch of Mead Johnson Formula After Baby Dies

The Associated Press reported, Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) has pulled a batch of Enfamil Newborn powder manufactured by Mead Johnson Nutrition (NYSE:MJN) from more than 3000 stores after a newborn baby who was fed the formula died from what preliminary tests indicate was a rare bacterial infection. The story notes that the government has not ordered a recall of the product and Mead Johnson said the lot tested negative for the bacterium before shipment. Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE:WMT) has potential upside of 3.9% based on a current price of .34 and an average consensus analyst price target of .65.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil Hypoallergenic Infant Formula Concentrated Liquid, Iron Fortified, 13-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)

!±8± Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil Hypoallergenic Infant Formula Concentrated Liquid, Iron Fortified, 13-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)

Brand : Enfamil | Rate : | Price : $82.50
Post Date : Dec 17, 2011 14:09:08 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil Hypoallergenic Infant Formula provides easy-to-digest, balanced nutrition for baby's first 12 months. Lipil is a blend of the nutrients DHA and ARA. DHA and ARA are also naturally found in breast milk and are important building blocks for a baby's brain and eyes. Experts agree on the many benefits of breast milk. If you choose to use infant formula, ask your doctor which Enfamil formula is best for your baby. Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil is a hypoallergenic formula for babies who cry excessively or develop other colic symptoms or rash due to milk protein allergy. Must add water.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Melamine, Pet Food and Our Food Safety

!±8± Melamine, Pet Food and Our Food Safety

In September 2008, the world was shocked at the sight of little babies in China attached to dialysis machines as they fight for their lives. Yet, the news of contaminated milk formula did not gain much attention until it was realized that the melamine problem is not only restricted to China only but has actually spread globally. However, no ill effects of melamine has been reported outside China and its territories.

Melamine is an organic compound with the official IUPAC name of 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine and the chemical formula of C3H6N6. It is a solid white-colored base, and is odorless. It is slightly soluble in water, stable, and not easily biodegradable.

Melamine is an industrial ingredient used to manufacture different kinds of products. It is used in combination with formaldehyde in the production of plastics and cleaning products. It is also combined with other compounds in the manufacture of fire retardants, pesticides, fertilizers, extra-strong concrete. Many things in our home have been manufactured with the use of melamine, from Formica counter tops, to certain fabrics, to plastic kitchenware (melaware).

Melamine has been thought to be of low risk to humans. According to this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), melamine is "Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Chronic exposure may cause cancer or reproductive damage. Eye, skin and respiratory irritant." The toxicity of melamine, however, is low. To be "poisoned" by melamine, as determined by the so-called LD50, which is the lethal dose that will kill 50% of animals tested, is 3 g per kg of body weight (source: WHO).

According to studies cited in the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), "melamine itself does not seem to be important industrial hazard except if decomposed by heat." Allergic and irritative dermatitis have been observed to result from occupational exposure to melamine but no permanent injury due to toxicity has been reported.

Like most industrial chemicals, toxicological tests on melamine have been performed using animals to determine its potential toxicity to humans which include the formation of calcareous deposits in the kidneys of female rats after 13 weeks of feeding melamine-containing food (WHO) and tumors in the urinary bladders of male rats fed diets with melamine for 103 weeks (IARC). According to this later study, melamine and cyanuric acid together caused renal toxicity in cats, pigs, and fish. The study concluded that "although melamine and cyanuric acid appeared to have low toxicity when administered separately, they induced extensive renal crystal formation when administered together.

However, there are significant gaps in our knowledge of melamine and its effect on our body. The safety/risk assessment conducted by the US FDA did not give any clear answers. In food products other than infant formula, the FDA concludes levels of melamine and melamine-related compounds below 2.5 parts per million (ppm) do not raise health concerns."

In the current melamine contamination scandal, however, it is not acute toxicity that caused the health problems. What is making the babies ill is chronic or subchronic toxicity. In addition, the toxicity of melamine increases when combined with another compound called cyanuric acid. Cyanuric acid theoretically non-toxic is present in food additives for animal feeds and in water disinfectants. Human exposure to cyanotic acid may be through swimming pool waters, drinking water, and fish. The combination of these two compounds can lead to acute toxicity, as it produces melamine cyanurate, a toxic substance in the form of insoluble crystals that then accumulated in vital organs, especially the kidneys, forming renal crystals or kidney stones that block kidney tubules.

It is speculated that manufacturers mixed melamine in milk formulas to increase the protein content of their products. Food products are tested for protein content by measuring nitrogen content. Looking at the chemical composition of melamine, we can see that it has high nitrogen content.

This not the first time that melamine was used deliberately as protein content enhancer although this is the most deadly so far. In 2007, many cats and dogs died of kidney failure as a result of the formation of renal crystals or kidney stones. The cause of the renal toxicity was traced to melamine which was detected in pet food. Melamine-cyanuric acid cocrystals were found in the animals' kidneys and the case was well-publicized. It is therefore highly unlikely that the perpetrators who tainted the baby formulas are unaware of the hazards of melamine consumption.

But this year's melamine scandal was more shocking than last year's because it affected and killed little babies. The following is a summary of events.

September 2008 - Fourteen babies in the Chinese province of Gansu were reported to be suffering from kidney stones, a very rare occurrence in young children. The suspected cause was the milk formula they were drinking. More and more cases of ill babies were reported all over China. The milk powder in question was manufactured by the Sanlu Group.

The US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) issued a health information advisory on infant formulas. The advisory "is to assure the American public that there is no known threat of contamination in infant formula manufactured by companies that have met the requirements to sell infant formula in the United States... The following manufacturers have met the necessary FDA requirements for marketing milk-based infant formulas in the United States: Abbott Nutritionals, Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Nestle USA, PBM Nutritionals, and Solus Products LLC."

The director of the Chinese agency General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine resigned as investigations showed that the melamine contamination is quite widespread. Tests showed that milk products of up to 22 dairy producers were contaminated with melamine.

The US FDA updated the advisory to issue a list of contaminated products manufactured in Taiwan, including Mr. Brown instant coffee and milk tea products.

The New Zealand Food safety Authority found melamine in China's most popular sweet White Rabbit Creamy Candies.

The UK chocolate maker Cadbury recalled its Chinese-made products after chocolates from their Beijing factory tested positive for melamine, according to this International Herald Tribune report.

October 2008 - The problem spread to Europe. Chinese candies contaminated with melamine were found in an Asian supermarket in Germany. There were also reports of contaminated food products in Belgium and the Netherlands. The US FDA detected melamine in Blue Cat Flavor Drinks.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a warning against the consumption of Sherwood Brands Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate Coins which tested positive for melamine. It was not clear how the contamination occurred.

The numbers of ill babies rose up to tens of thousands. Eighty percent of those affected were below the age of 2. Four cases proved to be fatal. China also recalled not only powdered milk but also liquid milk manufactured during the last couple of months.

Hong Kong found excessive amounts of melamine in eggs coming from mainland China. Officials suspected that the contamination came through melamine in the chicken feeds. They have ordered testing of all animal feeds and poultry products from the mainland. "Hong Kong has imposed a limit on melamine use in foods, restricting it to no more than 2.5 milligrams per kilogramme. Melamine found in food meant for children under three and lactating mothers should be no higher than one mg per kg", according to the BBC.

November 2008 - The US FDA issued a nationwide alert warning for Chinese import food products and found traces of melamine in one baby formula made by an American manufacturer. The regulatory body claimed the contamination was accidental but did not go into details.

December 2008 - Food Standards Australia New Zealand issued a list of products contaminated with melamine.

The US FDA tried to assure the American public that American-produced formulas are safe from contamination. "To date, FDA tests have found extremely low levels of melamine in one infant formula sample and extremely low levels of cyanuric acid in another. The levels were so low (well below 1 ppm) that they do not pose a health risk to infants." The FDA made public the test results on domestic infant formula. Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron from Nestle contained very low amounts of melamine. In addition, cyanotic acid was found in one type of Enfamil from the manufacturer Mead Johnson.

On the part of the Chinese health authorities, they are trying to repair the damage through recalls and arrests of those responsible. Developing countries, however, which do not have the means to test import products, are at risk of becoming dumping grounds of contaminated products.

The best strategy is to simply avoid melamine at all costs. Consumers are advised to be vigilant about what they buy and consume, most especially products consumed by children in large quantities. These include milk and milk products, chocolates, sweets, and biscuits.

Melamine, Pet Food and Our Food Safety

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Friday, December 2, 2011

The History of Formula Milk

!±8± The History of Formula Milk

Despite recent detractors, there can be no doubt that baby milk formula has saved countless lives over the years. The first successful milk formula was produced in the 1860s by Henri Nestle, in Switzerland. It was based on cows' milk and cereals and was the first scientific attempt to imitate breast milk.

It isn't just in modern times that some mothers have difficulty is producing enough breast milk to feed their baby: t has always been a problem and remains so. This inability to produce breast milk is more prevalent in mothers who themselves have poor diets and is a major problem for mothers living in grinding poverty. It was whilst visiting mothers living in poverty and children in orphanages that Henri Nestle first determined to come up with substitute to breast milk. He eventually came up with a concoction he called farine lactee, based, as he put it, on "wholesome Swiss milk and a cereal component baked by a special process of my invention". In 1867, he fed this to a premature baby boy whose mother was dangerously ill herself; the boy survived, and Nestle's reputation skyrocketed. Nestle's major strength wasn't invention, he was an extremely good marketer, and within 5 years he was selling he had offices in London, and was exporting formula to South America and Australia.

Nestle was not the only manufacturer of formula milk. Others included Justus von Liebig, Horlicks and Mellins Foods. The success of formula milk based on sows' milk owes everything to the massive strides in bacteriology made by the like of Louis Pasteur and others who made the handling of milk far safer than it had been before.

The term 'formula' is derived from Thomas Morgan Botch's approach to "percentage feeding." He coined the term when he was trying to devise the best mix of the various constituents that make up baby formula. A common basic formula, at the time, at Infant's Hospital in Boston was 2-6-2, meaning 2% fat, 6% carbohydrate, and 2% protein. During the twentieth century many commercial companies have strived to improv milk formula. Franklin Infant Food introduced, in 1923, was a powdered formulation, later to be called Similac. Enfamil, by Mead Johnson, was a latecomer in 1959, but the company, established in 1905, and pioneered vitamin research in the 1920's with the first cod liver oil of standardized potency in 1924 and pure solution of Vitamin D in 1929.

There has been much controversy with formula milk in recent years. Slick advertising campaigns led to many millions of women feeding their children formula rather than breast milk. Whilst the negative effects in the West have been minimal (if at all any) the same can't be said for mothers in the Third World who bottle-feed their babies. The lack of basic safe, clean water has led to the deaths of millions of children who were fed contaminated formula milk. Despite many campaigns, the practice of dumping milk formula on the developing world appears to be an ongoing problem.

The history of bottle formula milk is not very old and the take up by millions of women all over the world has been staggering. It is also a controversial history and its future seems set to be one of controversy.

The History of Formula Milk

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Enfagrow Premium Toddler, Formula 10 - 36 Months , 24 Oz Can, 4-pack By Enfagrow Premium

!±8± Enfagrow Premium Toddler, Formula 10 - 36 Months , 24 Oz Can, 4-pack By Enfagrow Premium

Brand : Enfamil Enfagrow | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 08:13:51 | N/A

  • Providing over 25 nutrients for healthy growth, the Enfamil Enfagrow Premium Next Step Infant Formula supports your child's growth and development. Enfagrow - Premium Toddler Powder, 24 oz Can, 4-Pack: Over 25 nutrients for healthy growth Anti-oxidants to support the immune system Base ingredient: milk Iron fortified Includes ARA and Omega-3 DHA for brain development Preparation: Simply add water 4-pack (24-oz. per pack) *Always refer to the product label for the most up-to-date nutritional information

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Enfagrow Premium Toddler, Formula 10 - 36 Months , 24 Oz Can, 4-pack By Enfagrow Premium

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Nutritional Value and Essence of Different Milk Formula Substitutes

!±8± The Nutritional Value and Essence of Different Milk Formula Substitutes

Last 50 years have brought about the most substantial progress in improving the composition of mother's milk substitutes ever made in history. In this 21st century, infant formula manufacturers have continued to carry out efforts to develop better breast milk than ever before. Efforts to identify and replicate helpful trace elements, and to conduct important research regarding the addition of immune active ingredients and enzymes that will make formula products even better, are currently under way. But for the main time, here are some already existent formulas which have good nutritive values.

Cow Milk Based Formulas

• Standard formula used when breast feeding is not adopted or is stopped before one year of age.
• Designed to mimic breast milk composition. Breast milk is approximately 60% whey and 40% casein, Cow's milk is 8% casein and 20% whey.
• Formulas contain at least 50% more protein/dL than breast milk (1.5g/100cc).
• Formulas provide appropriate intake of essential nutrients: iron and linoleic acid.
• Carnitine and taurine are added to most standard formulas
• Nucleotides are added to Enfamil and Similac.

Cow-Milk Based Composition
• 20 calories/ounce standard dilution
• Protein is ideally whey-predominantly (similar to breast milk).
• Carbohydrate is lactose (except in Lacto-free Formula).
• Fat is a mixture of vegetable Oil (LCT)
• Approximately 32 ounces of standard formula per day will meet 100% of RDA for vitamins and minerals for term infants.
• If Infants are only fed ready to feed dormula, fluoride supplement of 0.25mg/day is necessary to meet the RDA based on American Academy of Pediatric guidelines.

Available Brands of Cow Milk Based Formulas
• Enfamil with Iron (or low-iron) (Mead Johnsom)
• Similac with Iron (or low-iron) (Ross)
• Gerber
• Good start (Carnation formula with 100% whey as protein).
• Similac PM 60/40 (has decreased calcium, phosphorus and potassium content: Often used in renal patients). (Ross).
• Lactose-free (Mead Johnson) Cow-Milk protein, but lactose-free.

Soy-Based Formulas
Indication for use
• Vegetarians
• IgE mediated reaction to cow's milk protein
• Lactose Intolerance or Galactosemia
• Refeeding after chronic diarrhea (lactose-free)

• Increased proteins content than cow milk based formulas, since using plant source for protein (2.2g/dL).
• Increased vitamin and mineral content to compensate for mineral antagonists, such as phytates.
• Additional methionine added to formula to ensure a "complete" protein.
• Taurine and cystein added.
• Sweeter taste than cow-milk based and lower cost.

• 20 calories/ounce standard dilution
• Protein: soy protein with added methionine
• Carbohydrate:Sucrose, corn syrup solids, tapioca starch
• Fat: Blend of vegetable oils

Available Brands of Soy Formulas
• Prosobee
• Isomil
• Isoyalac

Casein Hydrolysate Formulas
Indication for use
• Milk protein or soy protein allergy
• Complicated gastrointestinal disorders
• Colic
• Feeding intolerance to cow milk or soy formulas

• Poor taste and expensive
• Not recommended for long term use in preterm infants due to inadequate vitamin and mineral content and protein source may be difficult to metabolize
• Alimentum is only available in ready to feed.
• Pregestimil is only available as a powder for the sonsumer, but is available in some hospitals as 20 X 24 calorie/oz ready to feed.
• Nutramigen is available in liquid concentrate and powder to the consumer, but is available as ready to feed in the hospital setting.

Available Brands
• Nutramigen
• Pregestimil
• Alimentum

• Protein: Casein hydrolysate (small peptide considered to be hypoallergenic)
• Carbohydrate: Modified tapioca starch and glucose Oligosaccharides.
• Fat: approximately 50% of fat is MCT oil in Alimantum and pregestimil, and 100% of fat is corn oil in Nutramigen.

The Nutritional Value and Essence of Different Milk Formula Substitutes

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Friday, November 4, 2011



Brand : MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITIONALS | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 05, 2011 04:15:47 | N/A


  • Enfamil Gentlease for Fussiness and Gas Powder - 12 oz can - 6 Pk Clinically shown to reduce
  • Help reduce your baby's digestive troubles with the formula that's closer to breast milk than any
  • Gentlease LIPIL is clinically shown to significantly reduce fussiness or gas:-Easy-to-digest
  • *~1/5 the lactose of a full-lactose, routine, milk-based formula † Comparison based on whey:

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Enfamil Premium Newborn Formula Powder Tub - 23.4 oz. (4 Pack)

!±8±Enfamil Premium Newborn Formula Powder Tub - 23.4 oz. (4 Pack)

Rate :
Price : $89.99
Post Date : Nov 01, 2011 13:04:25
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Newborns grow at least ¼ inch a week during their first month of life. As the maker of Enfamil, we know that vitamin D is a key nutrient to support this early growth. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 400 IU of vitamin D daily. Enfamil PREMIUM Newborn baby formula provides 400 IU of vitamin D in 27 fluid ounce-close to the approximate daily intake of a newborn through 3 months. This unique newborn formula also includes our Natural Defense Dual Prebiotic Blend, designed to help support babies' own natural defenses, and has an easy-to-digest protein blend.

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